Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

In over my head

Okay, so the Rockin' Robin seems to require more of a time commitment than I can handle right now, and as much as I hate to admit it, I think I have to bow out. Maybe I can pick up the quilt later because I do like the blocks and designs, so we'll see. I am going to join in this Sew Mama Sew Quilt Along. It's a block a month. That I think I can handle!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Rockin' Robin

So I finished the first row, for which I made six blocks because I wanted two blocks of each of my stash bags--aqua, blue, and green--but because of time, I think I am going to cut it to four for the next row. So I'll have 2 blocks to make something of, maybe.  In any case, the finished row:

Summer Sampler Series Blocks 2 and 3

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I  finished my first Summer Sampler QAL block last night. here it is!

I also am still working on the first row of the Rockin' Robin QAL, but I think I'll finish up tonight.  My fabric:

These are from scrap bags I bought from Purl Soho online. I had no business buying them because I have too much fabric to begin with, but I think they are going to make a lovely quilt. The background fabric is a Kaffe Fassett that I bought for a tile quilt that I am abandoning after two blocks due to its labor intensiveness. The blocks will be framed. 

Any-hoo, the first row blocks are dhaping up to look like this:

Friday, July 1, 2011

I am also doing this one!

There are so many talented people in the quilting and sewing community online, and in an effort to get to "know" some of them, I am also going to participate in this Qulit-Aong. 

Fresh Poppy Design

I love the idea of breaking projects into smaller, sort of time-controlled elements.  I look forward to seeing what all of the blogger-sewists have come up with!

I am doing this!

150px Summer Sampler Series Badge

I will post photos as I go!